Monday, March 4, 2013

“A pattern can be thought of as a set of constraints on architecture – on the element types and their patterns of interactions – and these constraints define a set or family of architectures that satisfy them.”
Pattern based system in rivet is the creation of a curtain wall using a mapping tool that captures the functionality and information of the area or space selected to create the chosen result. The desired outcome should link with the design aspect and how the chosen pattern impacts the structure.
The system has parameters that can be altered if needed but are set to standards that have the correct specifications
The mapping tool creates a frame like structure were finer details can be added such as the creation of a window or door frame and textures can be added to show the outcome.
Simple steps to create a triangular curtain wall: example
  1. Create the new pattern component family for the curtain wall using the Curtain Panel Pattern Based.rft  as shown below using these values of 8m x 8m x 8m grid subdivided by a 1m x 1m x 1m panel three or more times to achieve 1m panels.
  2. Create simple conceptual mass with rectangular extrusion with top profile twisted.
  3. Load the new pattern component family for the curtain wall mullion into the Revit Project containing the conceptual mass.

4. Apply a curtain wall pattern component family to the four faces of the conceptual mass and select divide surface and in the type selector, select the curtain wall component family.

5. After applying the pattern, this process results in normal memory and display performance especially when rotating the conceptual mass. (accessed 25 February 2013 at 15:54)

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